By Date
Sermons from 2006
Affluenza - a socially acceptable, spiritual disease
Luke 18:18-30Tim Tinsley
Good Sermon, Pastor
Luke 4:14-30Skip Ryan
The World's Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37Skip Ryan
At Your Post
Acts 1:3-11Skip Ryan
For Him and For Them
Matthew 22:36-40Richard Pratt
The Gift of Competent Service
2 Corinthians 3:4-6, 4:1, 7, 15Pete Deison
Your Missionary Calling
Luke 5:1-11Skip Ryan
Authority to Forgive and Heal
Luke 5:17-26Skip Ryan
The Vantage Point of Faith
Luke 7:1-10Skip Ryan
The Measure You Give
Luke 6:27-38Skip Ryan
God, My Father
Ephesians 1:1-6Skip Ryan
That They Will Know
Psalm 78:1-8Mark Davis
Psalm 27Skip Ryan
Torrents of Pleasures
Psalm 96:1-6; Psalm 105:1-4Skip Ryan
A Matter of Perspective
John 1:11-13Bill Lamberth
An Idle Tale
Luke 24:1-12Skip Ryan
The Necessity
Luke 24:13-15, 28-31, 36-47Skip Ryan
Lost and Found
Luke 15:1-15Skip Ryan
A Strong Offense Is the Best Defense
Matthew 16:13-20Mark Roessler
Lavish Forgiveness- Lavish Love
Luke 7:36-50Skip Ryan
The Parable of the Searching Father
Luke 15:11-32Skip Ryan
No Illusions
Luke 7:36-50Skip Ryan
PCPC at Fifteen
Acts 2Skip Ryan
The Holy Spirit's Good News of Judgment
Luke 3:1-18Skip Ryan
The Calling of a Father
Ephesians 6:1-4Bill Lamberth
Reality Check
Isaiah 6:1-8Patrick Lafferty
God's Delight in His People
Zephaniah 3:9-20Clay Holland
Abba! Father!
Romans 8:12-17Tim Tinsley
Questions to God
Psalm 42Bill Lamberth
The Entrance to Heaven
2 Peter 1:5-11Pete Deison
A Noble Calling
1 Timothy 3:1-16Bill Lamberth
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Luke 11:1-13Mark Davis
Lord, Teach Us to Pray, 2
Luke 11:1-13Mark Davis
My grace is sufficient for you
2 Corinthians 12.1-10Tim Tinsley
Walking with the Spirit down the path of righteousness... a long obedience in the same direction
Romans 8.1-17Tim Tinsley
When Trouble Comes
Hebrews 12:1-13Luder Whitlock
A Matter of Intent
Acts 1:1-8Bill Lamberth
The Man
Psalm 1Tim Tinsley
A Poor Man's Testimony
Psalm 34Mark Davis
Sharing the Gospel of Grace
Mark 2:1-12Guy Richardson
The Fruitful Christian
John 15:1-16Frank Barker
Foreshadowing the Supper 8am sermon
Genesis 18:1-8Ron Williams
Jesus: Our Ransom, Our Exemplar
Matthew 20:17-28Dan Doriani
God at Work in the White Spaces
Psalm 22Niel Nielson
Love and Fear
1 John 4:16-18Pete Deison
David- A Great Sinner, A Great Saint: God Will Provide a Deliverer
1 Samuel 17:48-52Tim Tinsley
The Seeking Soul
Psalm 63Pete Deison
By the Mercy
Romans 12:1-2Bryan Chapell
David- A Great Sinner, A Great Saint: The Warrior-Lover
1 Samuel 30:6Tim Tinsley
Thanksgiving Service
Psalm 145Mark Davis
An Amazing Conversion
Mark 5Harry L. Reeder III
David- A Great Sinner, A Great Saint: When a Glance Becomes a Gaze
2 Samuel 11:1-15Tim Tinsley
The Throne of Grace
Hebrews 4:14-16Mark Davis
A Child is Born
Isaiah 9:1-7Richard Pratt
David- A Great Sinner, A Great Saint: Covering Your Sin
2 Samuel 12, Psalm 32Tim Tinsley
Leaping for Joy at the Birth of Jesus
Luke 1:26-45Scotty Smith
David- A Great Sinner, A Great Saint: Promises, Promises... Promiser
2 Samuel 7Tim Tinsley
Spittin' Image
Hebrews 2:14-18Wilson Benton
Through the Eyes of the Shepherd
Luke 2:8-20Mark Davis
Christ, Our Shepherd King
Matthew 2:1-12Tim Tinsley
Vanity of Vanities
Ecclesiastes 12Tim Tinsley