Care and Counseling
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
— Matthew 11: 28
Our Mission:
The Mission of Care and Counseling is to provide deeply meaningful support to all who are hurting, broken, and/or grieving by being the hands and feet of Jesus to them and by pointing them to the great healer and comforter Himself.
Our Approach:
The Approach of Care and Counseling is to come alongside others through individual or couples counseling, small group interaction, and large group training on specific topics like grief, divorce, fear, worry, anxiety, depression, sexual brokenness, infidelity, and substance abuse/addiction. For more information please contact
Our Commitment:
The Commitment of Care and Counseling is to provide a safe place for people to struggle, be vulnerable, be known, and ultimately be accepted, while at the same time pointing them to the One who knows them fully and accepts them completely regardless of past or present struggles.
Our Hope:
The Hope of Care and Counseling is that we can be a part of creating an overall community that embraces brokenness, and in that moving us from either a sense of arrogance or shame to the wonderfully freeing life of humility and true dependency on the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving work in our lives.
Our Understanding:
The Understanding of Care and Counseling is that it is very difficult for people to admit they need help. For many, it is scary, while for others it might be humiliating. We understand that and want to be very sensitive to it. As previously stated, we want to be an incredibly safe place. We are committed to confidentiality, while also being committed to providing very specific care and resources with a deep spirit of love and understanding. We want people to understand that we are all broken, and that change can be difficult, but that we are all fully redeemed and loved in Him. That deep truth undergirds all that we do in Care and Counseling and is where our ultimate healing and freedom come from. Our identity is not derived from our successes or our failures. It is wonderfully derived from the depth of love for us that comes from a Holy God who went to great lengths to restore us to a right relationship with Him.
We do not want anyone to struggle alone. We want to come alongside those who are struggling. We want to metaphorically get in the mud with them, providing them with support, encouragement, and hope in the midst of their struggles. It is our understanding and commitment that we are to come alongside one another. We want to take seriously Paul’s encouragement to the Ephesians when he said,
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. — Ephesians 4:32
Women’s Care Groups | Men’s Care Groups
Care and Counseling
If you are in need of counseling, please get in touch with Pat Hobin at or 214-224-2541.
Deacon Assistance
If you have physical needs that our diaconate can assist with, please email
We have a team waiting to help however possible.