Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Dallas, TX

Church in the City Luncheon

Loving Your International Neighbor

Church in the City lunch 2023

In our rapidly growing city, approximately one fourth of the current population is born outside of the US, giving us an amazing opportunity to share the love of Christ with the nations right in our own neighborhoods. Join us in the Fellowship Hall after church on April 23 for lunch and a panel discussion, as we hear from several ministry partners across Dallas who are serving international people in our city. Topics discussed will include the biblical mandate to care our foreigner neighbors, the obstacles and struggles these neighbors often face, and ways we can get involved in ministering to our international neighbors. Registration suggested but not required. All are welcome!

Date & Time

Sunday, April 23
12:30–2:00 p.m.


Fellowship Hall
Main Church Building
4124 Oak Lawn Avenue
Dallas, TX 75219

Southeast corner of Oak Lawn Avenue and Wycliff Avenue


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